‘What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men …… That is what love looks like.’ - St. Augustine

Monday, December 27, 2010

Blizzzzard Photos.....Brrrrrr

We got walloped. I couldn't even get out my front door for the life of me. I had to sit against the inside of the outer door and push and push. After twenty minutes of this activity, on and off, I made enough headway to squeeze out!

The photos are grainy because all I have is my phone:

I gave up shoveling the walk pretty quickly. The snow was all the way up to my hip and that is way to much shoveling for my liking!

Yes, for those of you with a keen eye -- my house has been repainted. It used to be a weird pumpkin color that I actually ended up really getting used to. The landlord had it repainted while I was in Siberia. It's kind of a blue-grey, but looks more purplish in person.

Because my  house faces the end of another street, the wind whips down through that thru-way and always causes drifts in the front. Look at this one by my front window...yikes! to give you perspective, if I am standing on the ground, my head is level with the bottom of the window.

This lovely snow sculpture is my mailbox. I'm still wondering how that tiny finger of solid snow grew on it:

I managed to dig out one stair so the mailman won't break his neck, but I got tired pretty quickly. Here is a very forlorn looking me resting on the one cleaned-off stoop:

Believe it or not, I'm headed back out now at sunset...trying to make a dent in getting my car extricated. I climbed on top of the drift and dug my way down to the front license plate, but the rest is rock solid. I've decided to wait for the shoveling-fairy to make his rounds....


  1. Wow & I thought we had a lot with our 9 inches. I feel much better now after seeing your pictures.

  2. Brrrr...I dont miss that New England weather.at.all.

  3. Maybe you could get the landlord to plant a hedge in the Spring so it would protect the house in the winter. And maybe save your back!

  4. I shiver just looking the pictures. We have snow, but nothing close to that.
    Hope you are keeping warm.

  5. My parents didn't get nearly that much - less than half I'd estimate.


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