‘What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men …… That is what love looks like.’ - St. Augustine

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Paperwork Hell

That is where I live right now. It's a scary place with no exits in view! Ahh! If you can offer up a prayer for my sanity or strength or focus, I would be incredibly grateful! I need to focus exclusively on D's paperwork this week, but it is proving to be much tougher than I remembered!!! God send me the mental strength and patience and calm to get it done!


  1. Oh, sweet friend, I remember it all too well. Prayers are on their way!

  2. There IS a light at the end of the tunnel, er, paperwork! Good luck! :D

  3. UGH! I think I have PTSD from Paperwork! I'm not kidding. Every time paperwork starts, I get short of breath and start to panic.....We have done it 4 times now, and the last time is still good. LOL
    So today, It was TAXES..... and that feeling came back again. I never thought of myself of fearful of a paper and pen and numbers..... but I am. :)

  4. Do they have lamaze classes for paper labor, do you think? I remember the day I went to the State House to get the bulk of my dossier apostilled, and how when I was on my way home a wave of exhaustion just slammed into me. It's hard work!

  5. I know how burned-out I felt when I was finishing my paperwork, and I was lucky enough to have everything happen quickly enough that I didn't have to redo anything from it expiring. I almost wish I had kept a log of what all I did, how many phone calls I made etc., except that it would have taken too much time & energy to keep the log!

    But once you have that little person's face in your mind, and you know that it's up to you to get it all in line for them to come home, nothing else is as important as getting it done.

    Good luck!

  6. Prayers, of course. You can do it!

  7. 'Thinking of you ... 'hope you're getting thru it well.
    Maria (Canada)

  8. I bet it IS more than you remember! Since we did our adoptions one after another it was easy to see how each time there was SOMETHING NEW! I figured that someone in some Russian office needed to think up some new work to keep themselves busy and in a job. The last one, and oddest to me - was the requirement for an arcitect's drawing and description of our house - even though, it would have been perfectly fine to adopt if we'd lived in an apartment!


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